Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fulfill the dream

Author's note: This is based on a personal dream involving my favourite hockey team, the Toronto Maple Leafs. I decided against using the actual name of the team in case I ever turn this into something more.

Chris couldn't explain why he was an Aces fan. Friends asked him all the time, and all he could say was that he'd never known anything else.
What made his choice of teams unusual was the fact they were atrocious, had been so since long before Chris was born, and looked as though they would be for the foreseeable future.
"Why did you pick such a crappy team?" was the question he had to answer at least once a week.
His response was often something like "My grandfather's been a fan all his life and he got me interested."
Always because of Grampy, who actually remembered the last time the team won the championship.
But Chris really had different thoughts when it came to his favourite team.
Some day I'm going to own that team. Someday I'm going to give this city a winner.
Chris was nothing if not a dreamer. He'd had this notion in his head since he was a little boy. He would run that team.
He'd hear people say they could run the team better than the clowns in charge, but they were usually just blowing off steam following another loss by the sad-sack group.
Chris would be the first to admit he was as guilty of the bellyaching as the next fan, but he was the only armchair coach/owner who had a plan to actually run the team.
Luck would certainly play a part in his plan, but then, when doesn't it?
But this would require something more. It would need ambition, hard work and the willingness to give up other things in order to achieve the goal.
Despite the complexity of achieving it, his goal was simple.
Chris was going to become the owner of the Aces, and bring a championship banner to his beloved team, the first in nearly half a century.
He kept it to himself to avoid the ridicule that was sure to accompany such a bold statement. But he knew he could do it. He knew he could bring an end to the ineptitude that had plagued his favourite team for so long.
He just needed to work out how.

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