Monday, July 20, 2009

Out of that rut

Ever feel like you're in a rut? I mean, the kind of rut that takes forever to get out of, and often requires a boost.

I'm in that kind of rut right now. Stuck in a job I hate, stuck in a town I desperately want out of, and seemingly no way out.

It's weird how people get into these positions in life. Quite often, you don't see it coming. You're just cruising along, when all of a sudden...BANG!...There's that rut I mentioned.

Although, sometimes, you don't notice you're in the rut. Sometimes there isn't an obvious sign of the rut. You only notice when you try and change direction.

I went along like that for awhile. The signs were there. I started to hate getting up and go to work. That's the worst part. This was my career choice, and I haven't been at it for a year yet, but I hate it and want out.

There have been several times over the past few months that have led me to this point. Just things at work, little things, that have gradually piled up and become a monster. I've reached the point where I've circled a date on the calendar, and written "new job by today."

My job has sucked the will to write out of me. It's a chore for me to write anything, whether for work or for myself. I had to force myself to write this post, as I've had to do with many of the posts on this blog.

But today, something gave me a boost out of the rut. I don't what it was, but I came home from work in a foul mood, which has got me thinking, and got me planning, which is more than I've done in awhile.

I took this job because I was desperate and this was the first place that offered to hire me. The next one won't be that way.


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