Sunday, November 16, 2008

To boldly go...

Apologies for the different fonts over the last posts. Blogger has been rather unco-operative with me the past few days. Hopefully, this will be the standard from now on.


I watched the new trailer for the upcoming Star Trek film. The Movie Blog ( had a link to a recorded copy of the trailer. I guess it's playing in front of the new Bond flick. In any event, the quality was pretty good, and I took a peek. If you want to watch the high quality version, it'll be posted on sometime tomorrow.

I'm a pretty big Trek fan, though not on the level of the people who dress up and attend conventions all over the world. I'm a fan of the various series, and the films. And I'll admit, when I heard J.J. Abrams was taking on the newest film, and it would be based in the time of Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, I was intrigued. Once I found out it would be a reboot, I was sold. I'd felt, like many others, the franchise had gotten a bit stale, and there wasn't much room to grow. The latest series, Enterprise, had begun to renew my interest when it was cancelled in 2005. I thought Enterprise was taking the franchise in an interesting direction, but it didn't get a chance to really get going.

So I guess you could say I'm a bit excited about the new film. Even more so with the new trailer. Hopefully the film won't disappoint. And hopefully it'll be welcomed by the hardcore Trekkies, who might be a little miffed with someone other than William Shatner in the role of Kirk.

Live long and prosper.


Kyla said...

You know, I'm not a Trekkie at all, but I saw the trailer two days ago and it was captivating for even a non-fan. I guess I'll have to see how into it I am by May. Think I need to know anything about the universe to understand it?

P.S. I like the new blog! Keep's like ACTUALLY talking to you.

Unknown said...

I don't think any understanding is necessary. I think it would mean a different experience when you see the movie. For you, it might be like seeing the Star Wars prequels without seeing the original trilogy. You would see the characters in a different light.