Wednesday, November 12, 2008

...And awaaaaaaaaaaaay we go!

Well, I'm going to try this out again.

I started a blog about four years ago, right around the time the 2004 presidential election was getting underway. I started out with the intention of writing commentary on news items of the day, and for awhile, that's what I did. But it gradually evolved, and became something more personal. I found out a girl I had a crush on felt the same way. I wrote about my goals in life, and about family trips.

But sometime in the last year or so, it tailed off for me. I'm not sure why. I don't know if it was a case of losing interest in writing, or if it I just simply couldn't put the time into the posts I wanted to. It came to a head when I promised to write a detailed post (or posts) about a family vacation to Florida last Christmas. Well, June rolled around, and I'd been pecking away at it for months. I finally got the first half posted. As for the second half...well, let's just say it finds itself in that blog purgatory known as the draft post.

I just stopped writing. And now I find I miss it. Not the exercise of writing per se, since I write everyday in my job. I'm a reporter with a local weekly paper in New Brunswick. I write all the time about all sorts of things, but none of it is for myself, or necessarily about what I want. I've missed that simple pleasure of writing about some random thing. But this time, I'm going to try something a little different from before. Rather than trying to write long posts two or three times a week, I'm going to write short blurbs several times through the day. Whenever the mood strikes me, whenever I'm exposed to some interesting piece of information I feel like sharing with whoever reads this blog, I'll write a post. All the blogs I read on a regular basis, or have read in the past, seem to find success this way. "Short snappers", as one of my journalism profs was fond of calling them.

As for my old blog, I feel I owe it to myself to finish off the final post, about a trip to Florida that took place almost a year ago now. It's unfortunate it had to die the way it did, but I just took it in a direction I couldn't sustain any longer. So as soon as I finish that final post, I will probably shut The Readme File down. I don't want to say it's a definite thing. I may post to it at irregular intervals, and maybe someday I'll be able to bring it back to what it was four years ago.

So welcome to this new verbal journey I've decided to embark upon. I hope you'll enjoy it, and maybe even learn something along the way. If nothing else, it will offer a mindless distraction for you throughout your day.


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