Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hail to the Chief

It's been a rough couple of weeks for your humble scribe. Getting back to work after the holidays sucked a lot out of me. But never fear, for I've been inspired, and have returned after my absence.

Barack Hussein Obama was inaugurated today, becoming the 44th President of the United States, and ending eight years of the retarded child emperor, George W. Bush.

As a Canadian, watching the inauguration made me long for the kind of leader that my neighbours to the south find themselves welcoming. Obviously, we have a different system of government, and our prime minister isn't the same kind of figure as a U.S. president. But still, our leader is supposed to be the face of our country, and should inspire the Canadian people.

Instead, we find ourselves with a button-down accountant as our leader. Just as Bush will likely be remembered as the worst president in American history, Stephen Harper may be remembered as the dullest prime minister in Canadian history.

As Obama spoke to the two million plus people in Washington, and the millions (maybe billions) watching on television, I got the sense that things were going to be okay. Maybe not right away, but eventually. When Stephen Harper speaks, I have to fight the urge to yawn.

I'm proud to be a Canadian. But recently, I've started to think it might not be so bad to be an American. It would mean living in a country where people actually care what their politicians say and do. In Canada, apathy is slowly becoming more prominent.

We need an Obama of our own.

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